
Things to leave o from your packing list for studying abroad

Packing bags is a crucial task for everyone, especially if you are a student going to study abroad. You think of hundreds of things which you may want to take with you. Baggage allowance is one of the major factors to come between taking everything you want. You need to consider the weight can take with you otherwise you may face trouble on the airport or will have to pay extra money for it.
Every student wants to take everything they can with them as it’s their first time travelling abroad. It’s not just you, but your parents also overwhelm you with things you should take. You should keep in mind that most things are easily available in a foreign country so you can skip taking those along with you. On the other hand, there are a few things that you can avoid taking with you from saving yourself.


Bed sheets or linens, pillow covers, cushion covers, blankets and everything furnishing. A total no for including them in your packing list. Save yourself a huge space by not taking furnishing items along with you abroad. Sheets or linens are found easily wherever you go. Hostels and apartments with furniture provide basic furnishing items so you will be good to go.

Food or Snacks

Like sheets and linens, food is available everywhere. You can take a little number of snacks to munch on your right but don’t consider packing food bags in your luggage. Even the smallest bag will occupy a good amount of weight from your only allowed luggage. You can nd your preferred food brands in the country you are going to study, if not, then you will nd its alternative. Either way, you will be one.

Hair Dryer

Curling Iron Basic or everyday use electronics are easily available everywhere. These electronics are heavy and will add weight to your luggage.


If you need books for your college or university, buy them when you reach your destination. For easy access or to be bulk-free, buy ebooks. Ebooks are easy to take wherever you go and don’t add any weight.


Take only one or two pairs of shoes. One pair can be formal and the other can be an everyday casual shoe. Again, shoes are heavy even the lightest ones.


This is an absolute nothing, believe it or not; hangers are heavy and you will get them at a cheap price in the country you are going to study. For cheap hangers, you can check the OP shops or charity stores. Supermarkets have cheap hanger range available all the time.
Let us know if we missed something or we should add something to the list in the comments below.